Prof. Ge Zhang and our team in the space life science research project "The Role of CKIP-1 in the differentiation of osteoblast in microgravity circumstance of space", were interviewed by Focus Report. Aired at 7:38 pm every night, Focus Report is a documentary television program on China Central Television (CCTV). In the interview, Prof. Zhang introduced our project and its significance to future translational medicine research. Bone loss is an important issue not only in elderly but also in astronauts.
Prof. Zhang and team members in Wenchang Space Launch Centre.
"Astronauts in space station play an indispensable role in space research, including space resource exploration. Thus, they have to stay in the space for a long time. Data suggested for an astronaut staying in space for 20 weeks, 40%-50% of his skeleton and skeletal muscle will be lost. What does this mean? Rate for loss in women after menopause is around 1% per year, meanwhile 50% is lost in less than half a year for astronauts working space station or flying in space." stated Prof. Zhang.
On 20th April, 2017, Tianzhou-1, China's first uncrewed cargo spacecraft, disembarked from Wenchang Space Launch Centre in Hainan Province. Flying along to the space included cultured cell from our team.
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