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Postgraduate students won the first prize and third prize in the 15th “challenge Cup”

Postgraduate students won the first prize and third prize in the 15th “challenge Cup” National Undergraduate Curricular Academic Science and Technology

The fifteenth “challenge cup”, the national extracurricular academic and scientific competition for college students, was held in Shanghai University from 14 to 19 November, 2017. More than 600 thousand scientific and technological innovation projects were enrolled and more than two thousands universities participated the “challenge cup”. Due to the outstanding work on the project ‘Develop a Highly Water Soluble Nucleolin Aptamer Paclitaxel Conjugate with a Cathepsin Labile Linker for Tumor Specific Targeting in breast Cancer’, Mr. LU Jun won the first prize at the National Final Competition.

Due to the outstanding work on the project ‘A Delivery System Specifically Approaching Bone Resorption Surfaces to Facilitate Therapeutic Modulation of MicroRNAs in Osteoclasts’, Ms. Dang Lei and Dr. Liu Jin has won the third prize at the National Final Competition.


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